National Eye Health Week to go ahead

Eye Health UK has confirmed that National Eye Health Week (NEHW) 2022 will go ahead next week, although the campaign will be amended to allow the charity to pay tribute to the remarkable life and service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

In a statement, the charity said: “National activity has been cancelled during the period of national mourning, and, as a mark of our great respect and admiration we will honour the Queen on 19 September – the day of her State Funeral. After the period of national mourning has ended, NEHW will resume with a revised programme of national activity.”

The planned national roadside vision screening campaign has been postponed due to road traffic officers being drafted in to cover state events in London. This campaign, and associated public health promotion, will now run in the New Year. National activity on 20 September will be limited to social media posts around the importance of good vision for safe driving.

The main focus of the Week will now shift to FrEYEday 23 September, when the Eye Q Report, looking at “how smart we are when it comes to looking after our vision and eye health”, will be launched. On this day, the charity will be encouraging people to get their eyes tested and to make small lifestyle changes to benefit their eye health to prevent future avoidable sight loss.

The revised timetable is:

  • Monday 19 September: Tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II
  • Tuesday 20 September: Vision and Driving (social media only)
  • Wednesday 21 September: Kids’ Eye Health
  • Thursday 22 September: Eye Health and the Menopause
  • FrEYEday 23 September: What’s Your Eye Q?
  • Saturday 24 September: Minor Eye Conditions
  • Sunday 25 September: Living with Low Vision

Advice on cancelling or rescheduling local events and activities has been sent to supporters and published on the National Eye Health Week Website here.