Members receive Freedom of the City

Jo, Ed and Alex receive Freedom of the City of London at London’s Guildhall

Three ABDO members celebrated being awarded Freedom of the City of London this month – immediate past president Jo Holmes, ABDO head of CPD Alex Webster, and ABDO membership officer Ed Fox.

All those who become Freemen of a City Livery Company, in this case the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCMS), may apply to become Freemen of the City of London. Freedom is also available to those on the electoral roll of the City itself and those who have specialist rights through patrimony, formal nomination by City officials or, in the case of some companies, completion of servitude as an apprentice.

It is one of the oldest surviving traditional ceremonies still in existence today, and is believed to have been first presented in 1237.

On receiving her Freedom certificate, which dates back to the Victorian era, Jo said: “I’m very proud to have received the Freedom of the City of London. Being able to attend the ceremony with my colleagues, Ed Fox and Alex Webster, my family and theirs, made for a very special occasion.”

Ed commented: “It was a real treat to experience a ceremony that has barely changed in nearly 800 years. As the grandson of two London greengrocers, it certainly feels an honour to call myself a Freeman of the City of London.”

According to the City of London website, receiving the Freedom of the City remains as a unique part of London’s history to which many people who have lived or worked in the City have been proud to be admitted.

Prior to 1996, the Freedom was only open to British or Commonwealth Citizens. It is now available globally and persons of any nationality may be admitted either through nomination or by being presented by a Livery Company. There is also a long-standing tradition of admitting women.

Jo, Ed and Alex plan to continue on in their journey to become Liverymen of the WCSM.