Academics take up leading roles in eyecare bodies

Professor Nicola Logan, left, has been named a global myopia management ambassador by the World Council of Optometry. Dr Debarun Dutta, right, is the new academic chair of the British Contact Lens Association

Professor Nicola Logan and Dr Debarun Dutta from Aston University have been appointed to key roles in eyecare professional associations.

The World Council of Optometry (WCO) has made Professor Logan a global myopia management ambassador. Dr Dutta is the new academic chair of the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA).

Professor Logan is deputy head of Aston’s school of optometry and a specialist in optometry and physiological optics. She said she was “thrilled” to be one of four new ambassadors named by the WCO, in collaboration with contact lens manufacturer CooperVision. 

“This role provides me with a valuable platform to advance the recognition of myopia as a significant public health concern and to facilitate the translation of research into effective, evidence-based clinical practice strategies for children with myopia.”

Dr Dutta, a lecturer in optometry, will lead the BCLA’s academic output, offering advice to its council about the scientific and academic elements of contact lenses.

He said: “I am hugely excited at the prospect of delivering academic provision of the British Contact Lens Association, with a specific focus on a highly prestigious conference programme as we grow our reputation as a global leader in contact lens and anterior eye education. 

“This is a rare opportunity to work alongside our association members, fellows, trustees, global ambassadors and volunteers inspiring a new era for the BCLA, and to support our growth and development ambitions through delivery of educational activities within the contact lens and anterior eye specialism.”

Dr Dutta will initially work alongside current academic chair, Professor James Wolffsohn, Aston’s head of optometry, who is currently on sabbatical from the university. He will take over when Professor Wolffsohn steps down in 2025.

  • Find the full list of World Council of Optometry global ambassadors here