Focus on … dry eye disease

Focus on Dry Eye Disease

Welcome to our latest Focus on… resource, Focus on Dry Eye Disease. Dry eye disease is something that all of us, every day, encounter in our professional working lives.

Our Focus on… webpages are all about clinical techniques and knowledge that can enhance a DO’s role as a clinician in practice and will build up to give you a portfolio of information accessible via ABDO’s Clinical Hub.

The Clinical Hub is packed with information and resources for you, whether you are a student dispensing optician, dispensing optician, contact lens optician or low vision optician. The content is continually being created and will build up to become a great source of information for all dispensing opticians and their practice colleagues.

If you are looking for support on everything from dry eye disease, OCT, myopia management, new Focus on… resources, clinical advice and guidance as well as an A to Z of Common Eye Conditions and list of acronyms then the Clinical Hub is there to help you in your role as a clinician.

Our thanks go to Neil Harvey FBDO CL MBCLA for the creation of the following content and we welcome any feedback and comments.

With best wishes,


Max Halford FBDO CL ABDO Clinical Lead

February 2022


  1. Introduction, role of the dispensing optician
  2. Definition and classification of dry eye disease
  3. Pathophysiology
  4. Prevalence and epidemiology
  5. Diagnosis
  6. Assessment
  7. Management
  8. Education
  9. References and further reading

It is recommended that dispensing opticians revisit these pages on a regular basis to ensure that their knowledge is current and therefore the advice and guidance they give to patients is up to date and relevant. ABDO provides regular CET/CPD to support members and this can be viewed on the ABDO website. There are regular features on both products and research in Dispensing Optics magazine.

ABDO does not endorse nor recommend one approach to dry eye disease above another nor does it have any recommendations on appropriate products. The information on these pages is to facilitate practitioners’ ability to have an informed discussion with patients, and signpost practitioners who do wish to research the subject in more depth.

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