Latest news and features

GOC co-commissions RQF research

ABDO welcomes move

Opti Stuttgart 2021 cancelled

Next Opti show will be in January 2022

WCSM launches 2020 bursary scheme

Scheme open to first-year students

ABDO proposes new way forwards for GOC ESR

Current package of proposals "is flawed"

Queen marks World Sight Day with video chat

Queen and Countess of Wessex speak with IAPB members

BCLA and Alcon share PPE wear guidance

Top tips on PPE 'donning and doffing'

New principal for ABDO College

Dr Robert Cubbidge will succeed Jo Underwood

MPs and Lords call for eye research funding

Eye health APP writes to Matt Hancock MP

ABDO College seeks trustees

Three positions to be filled in 2021