Latest news and features

SEND eyecare project wins coveted award

SeeAbility and special schools win Nasen’s 2019 Provision of the Year Award

ABDO student revision event is back

First-year students invited to attend too

ABDO to ensure DOs’ voice heard on optical apprenticeships

ABDO to join trailblazer group on apprenticeships

CPD Part 8: Evidence-based practice Part 2

Maryna Hura considers finding relevant evidence to support your practice

CPD Part 7: Evidence-based practice Part 1

Maryna Hura presents the first of two articles looking at evidence-based practice

ABDO CET for all at 100% Optical

Series of thought-provoking discussion workshops to be held in ABDO CET Theatre

“Major coup” announced as Optrafair 20/20 opens bookings

Professor Sunil Shah to perform live femto-second surgery

“Gold standard” graduation ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral

Class of 2019 receive their FBDO diploma

Sister act: siblings graduate together

Nixon sisters among more than 300 to graduate