Latest news and features

Registrants going beyond the call of CET duty

GOC's final evaluation report of its 2016-18 CET shows positive results

CPD Part 5: Audit in action

Saima Begum Naroo applies the five-step audit process to a dispensing situation.

Stop! In the name of eye health

Lorraine Bleasdale is on a mission to stop illegal contact lens sales

Business Bites: Outsourcing your energy management

External consultants allow you to focus on your core business

Can your practice help the homeless this Christmas?

Charity is urging practices to reach out to local shelters

GOC names ESR advisory group members

Members will help shape new learning outcomes

WCSM celebrates students’ successes

Annual Presentation Ceremony held in historic Apothecaries’ Hall

Contact lens guidance for members updated

NCC updates guidance on aftercare frequency

Barcelona Specs to launch in 2020

Copenhagen Specs concept extended to Spain