Latest news and features

ABDO deputy chief executive resigns

Barry Duncan praised for "pioneering work"

Record numbers sign up to ABDO College OA course

Course allows students to combine study with full-time work

GOC launches FTP triage pilot

Move will enable GOC to close cases more speedily

New board member welcomed

Lorraine Bleasdale joins ABDO board

ABDO College celebrates ‘green’ successes

College saving more than 475,000 sheets of paper each year

Joining forces on illegal contact lens practice

AIO and BCLA to support GOC caseworkers

Supershoppers “wrongs” must be rectified, says ABDO

Impact of show claims on patient safety highlighted

ABDO responds to Which? report

Report highlights reasons not to buy online, says president

Business Bites: Your online presence

Businesses need to increasingly manage their online presence, reputation and customer engagement, writes Nick Walsh