Latest news and features

GOS fees setback

GOS fees in England to be frozen for a fourth successive year, because of “the continuing tight economic climate facing the NHS”

Contact lens market shows slight growth

ACLM reports that UK contact lens market grew by 2.3 per cent in 2018, to £21.4m.

Registrants demonstrate continued fitness to practise

The GOC has removed 392 individual practitioners from its register for failing to meet their CET requirements.

Max Halford appointed ABDO clinical lead

Max Halford has been announced as ABDO's new clinical lead

GOC publishes new Standards for Optical Businesses

New standards will come into effect on 1 October 2019

Hot Brief – Notification from PCSE about ACE services

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Opportunity for DOs involved in teaching and training

Irvine Aitchison Bursary applications invited

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