FQE Manufacturing Visit – Nikon

Wednesday 13th November 2024 AM and PM Nikon Optical UK. 3 Tanners Drive, Milton Keynes MK14 5BU

FQE Manufacturing Visits – suitable for ABDO students on the 2015 syllabus and the 2023 syllabus

Students are responsible for booking themselves on these tours and all bookings are handled on first come first served basis.

Case record 51 (2015 syllabus) or Case record 50 (2023 syllabus)

The template for this case record is available within the PQP area on the ABDO website. The manufacturer will sign your attendance sheet on the day of your visit, which must be included as the front page for this case record. The remaining of the case record will be in the form of a written report with a minimum of 800 words. The report should be based on the production techniques of the manufacturer you have visited, to demonstrate your level of understanding. Your supervisor will need to sign your written report. This case record forms part of the portfolio case records and students will not be able to qualify if any of the required case records are missing.

To book, Please email events.uk@nikonlenswear.com