If you live in Wales, you can get a free NHS examination if:

If you reside in Wales and have a GP in Wales, most optometrists can also offer a free eye test if:

  • You’re 16 or under
  • You’re a full-time student aged 16,17 or 18
  • You’re under 18 and you are a care leaver or are in the care of a Local Authority
  • You’re over 60
  • You’re on certain benefits or hold a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate (Income Support, Income related Employment and Support Allowance, Tax Credit, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, Universal Credit and meet the criteria)
  • You’re named on a valid HC2W certificate
  • You’re named on a valid HC3 (partial help) certificate
  • You’re registered sight impaired or severely sight impaired
  • You have diabetes
  • You have glaucoma or are considered to be at risk of glaucoma by an ophthalmologist
  • You are over 40 and are the genetic father, mother, sibling or child of someone with glaucoma
  • You are reliant on only one eye for seeing (You are uniocular)
  • You are at risk of developing eye disease based on ethnicity (You are 40 years of age or over and self-certify as Asian or Black or you are under 40 years of age and self-certify as Asian or Black with additional risk factors associated with glaucoma or diabetes).
  • You are hearing impaired, even with the use of hearing aids
  • You have Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • You have been prescribed complex lenses under the NHS optical voucher scheme
  • If you are on a low income, you may be able to get help with the cost of sight tests, glasses and contact lenses through the NHS Low Income Scheme.
  • You are a prisoner on leave from prison



Please note

The old EHEW is now Urgent Eye Care and is self referral or referral from a GP or other health professional, with a triage system in place.

Eligibility for repair vouchers – this is now up 19 for those in full time education, the same as initial vouchers.

Updated 01/11/23

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