ABDO College International Courses

ABDO College welcomes students from across the world. With its wide ranging programme of courses studied by distance learning, wherever you live studying with ABDO College can:

  • Allow you to earn while you learn.
  • Lead to stand-alone qualifications.
  • Prepare you to study for the FBDO qualification.

The College is a centre of excellence and has been raising the standards in optical education for the whole profession since it was established by the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) in 2001.

You can train as a Dispensing Optician via distance learning with ABDO College. The course is delivered online via a virtual learning environment. Students are required to become a member of ABDO. Examinations are available at venues including the UK, Malaysia, India and Australia.

Find out more about training as a dispensing optician via distance learning.

Contact: info@abdocollege.org.uk


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