Become part of the organisation taking your profession forward

There are lots of reasons to become a member of ABDO.

Did you know just how many benefits there are when you join ABDO? Alongside peer contact and support, ABDO helps you develop your knowledge and practice.

You may know about ABDO’s outstanding Continuing Professional Development, Education and Training programme, but have you also checked out the Clinical Hub and Advice and Guidelines sections of the website? Ophthalmic Lens Availability Online is a detailed guide to lenses available exclusively to ABDO members. And members get access to relevant British Standards updated each year.

As a member, you also receive a monthly copy of journal Dispensing Optics, plus access to up-to-the-minute members only news stories and features on DOOnline. Beyond that, ABDO campaigns to raise the profile of the profession and advance the scope of practice.

Members also get access to careers information and advice, a mentor matching programme, business development content through the Business Hub, management and leadership training, plus the latest vacancies sent straight to your inbox.

When joining ABDO you also get access to a range of discounts which can more than cover your membership fee. Offers to take advantage of when becoming a member of ABDO, include:

  • gym, spa and beauty salon offers,
  • home and DIY savings
  • business benefits
  • travel discounts on holidays, days out and short breaks
  • motoring benefits
  • student discounts
  • health benefits for the family,
  • cinema ticket discounts
  • professional indemnity insurance
  • optical practice insurance

Use the savings and you will more than cover the cost of your professional membership. Use the calculator below to work out how much you could save

ABDO Membership really does offer you so much more than you realise. Membership is open to dispensing opticians, optometrists, students in either profession, lab technicians and optical assistants. Apply here to become a member of ABDO

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