ABDO board re-appointment

Saima Begum

Saima Begum will begin another three year term on the ABDO board from 1 September 2023.

A qualified dispensing optician since 2010, Saima first joined the ABDO board in 2017, was re-elected in 2020, and returned unopposed last month.

As well as working part-time in practice whilst raising her three children, Saima is an ABDO local lead for the Midlands and East of England, an ABDO distance learning tutor, ABDO practical examiner, local optical committee member, and ABDO College trustee.

She helps deliver CPD to ABDO members and optometrist colleagues, and and was previously a lead with Birmingham-based national children’s charity, EyeHeroes.

As she continues on her journey with ABDO, Saima says she’ll be “working diligently to bring fresh perspectives and forward-thinking strategies to the table. I am committed to fostering growth and innovation within ABDO: it is crucial that we adapt, embrace change and stay at the forefront of optics.”

She continued: “Throughout my journey, I have witnessed the transformative power of collaboration and the extraordinary results that can be achieved when we come together as a unified force. I firmly believe that the strength of our Association lies in the diversity of its members and our collective wisdom. Together, we will foster an environment of inclusivity and transparency, where every member feels valued and empowered to contribute.”

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