ABDO Medal of Excellence awarded

Graeme Stevenson

Graeme Stevenson FBDO (Hons) CL has been awarded the ABDO Medal of Excellence for his services to the Association.

Celebrating 40 years of ABDO membership in March of this year, Graeme graduated as a dispensing optician (DO) from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) in 1984 where he was taught by fellow ABDO Medallist John Mitchell – going on to qualify as a contact lens optician (CLO). In 2022, he also marked 35 years of service at Boots Opticians.

Graeme has a long history of providing significant support to ABDO members in Scotland, as both a local and regional lead and as a member of the former ABDO Area 12 (Scotland) committee.

As a member of the Scottish Contact Lens Society, Graeme was part of a small group who provided high quality education for practitioners in Scotland long before CET/CPD was a formal necessity. Graeme went on to become chair of the Society before it merged with the Scottish Optometric Conference. He continues to support the event by representing ABDO and chairing a session at the yearly event, promoted by Dr Scott Mackie.

A former member of the ABDO Contact Lens Committee, Graeme provides support at NHS Education Scotland and ABDO events and is known for his excellent facilitation and leadership.

Graeme sits as the chair of Optometry Scotland’s Dispensing Committee and is a part-time supervisor at GCU – as well as mentoring trainee and qualified DOs. He is also a member of the General Optical Council Education Visitor Panel.

Graeme was presented with his Medal of Excellence by ABDO vice president, Brenda Rennie, on 12 August, who said: “Graeme is incredibly supportive, patient and a valuable source of knowledge for anyone seeking help, support or advice. He has provided outstanding service to the Association and the profession over many years.”

Graeme commented: “I am absolutely delighted to receive such a prestigious award from ABDO – and honoured to join such an illustrious group of individuals to have received the Medal of Excellence. It has always been a pleasure to help our profession and I know that both ABDO members and staff are truly appreciative of my contributions. To be awarded this medal is the pinnacle of my career.”