Webinar: evidence-based myopia control

A British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) webinar will outline how eye care professionals can discuss myopia control options with parents. The session, from 6.30pm on Tuesday, 20 June, will be led by Dr Jeffrey J Walline (pictured).

He said: “This lecture will discuss evidence-based effective means of myopia control so [you] know what to implement and what to tell parents about soft multifocal contact lenses, orthokeratology, atropine, combinations, onset delay, and spectacles for myopia control.”

Dr Walline is the associate dean for research at Ohio State University College of Optometry. He has led several paediatric contact lens studies, and is the study chair of the Bifocal Lens In Nearsighted Kids (BLINK) Study, a National Eye Institute (NEI)-sponsored randomised clinical trial to investigate the myopia control effects of soft multifocals.

He is also co-chair of the Delaying the Onset of Nearsightedness Until Treatment (DONUT) Study, an NEI-sponsored planning grant to prepare an application for a study to determine whether low concentration atropine can delay myopia onset.

The webinar is open to all but CPD points are available for BCLA members only. To register, visit www.bcla.org.uk.