Man charged with Tom Davies store raid

A man has been charged with burglary following a raid at the Sloane Square store of eyewear designer Tom Davies on 9 June.

The raid, which was captured on CCTV, saw two masked men break into the store and take hundreds of pairs of Tom Davies glasses, including six frames made for the recently released film Cruella, which were due to be auctioned off for charity.

Cruella is the 12th Hollywood film Davies has worked on. Initially called in to create frames for just the Baroness, played by Emma Thompson, he ended up providing glasses for nearly every cast member – a total of 120 frames – as reported on DO Online.

Following the raid, Davies released CCTV footage of the incident and put up posters around London, appealing for the return of the glasses and offering a pair of Tom Davies glasses in return.

Following news of the arrest, Tom said: ‘We’re hugely grateful to the police for acting so swiftly. The incident was horrible for me and my staff, but we’ve been overwhelmed by the kindness of people all around the world who’ve heard this story.

“We’ve been inundated with messages of goodwill from friends and complete strangers – one lovely elderly lady in a care home even sent us a £10 note to help compensate for our loss. We’d like to thank everyone who’s been in touch for their tremendous support.

‘We’re still missing hundreds of pairs of glasses. Our offer to swap any returned Cruella frames for a pair of Tom Davies sunglasses still stands. Hopefully the sequel to this story will be a happy one.”