Menicon enters myopia management market

Menicon has announced the launch of its Menicon Bloom Myopia Control Management System. The launch features the initial introduction of Menicon Bloom Night, which the company states is the first and only CE-approved orthokeratology contact lens in Europe for myopia control.

Menicon Bloom Night therapy involves the overnight wear of a specially designed reverse geometry orthokeratology contact lens, manufactured in hyper oxygen-permeable Menicon Z rigid material. Menicon Bloom Night is indicated for the correction of refractive myopia and for control of myopia when prescribed and managed by a qualified eyecare professional, and have been reviewed and validated via numerous comprehensive, peer-reviewed studies related to myopia control management, said the company.

It added: “Menicon Bloom Night therapy has proven to be well accepted by parents and to improve children’s self-esteem in terms of physical appearance, participation in activities, academic performance and peer perception. With the accumulation of long-term and comprehensive scientific evidence over the years, Menicon Bloom Night has met the highest standards of safety, efficacy and quality required to grant the treatment CE approval for myopia control management in Europe.”

The fitting of Menicon Bloom Night is optimised by the use of Easyfit software to guide the eyecare professional through the fitting process. Additionally, a specially designed mobile phone app, Menicon’s Virtual Dr, has been developed to enhance the monitoring and communication process between eyecare professionals and patients.

Dr Hidenari Tanaka, CEO Menicon Co, commented: “We are delighted with the major breakthrough achieved with the approval and launch of our Menicon Bloom Myopia Control Management System. We are confident that our continuing commitment to myopia control management will position Menicon as a key contributor in this field and strengthen our position as a global vision care company. It is our belief that the growing prevalence of worldwide myopia progression requires a comprehensive and educated response and we have identified this as a major initiative within our development programs. As a pioneer of contact lenses, we will develop our myopia control business based on our accumulated technology, products and services and contribute to society by supporting eye care professionals in managing the fast growing incidence of myopia.”

Menicon Bloom Night will be launched first in the Netherlands, then in other European markets. No UK launch date had yet been set, the company told DO Online.

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