New Environmental Awards postponed

Optical Express has announced the postponement of its Eyes on the World Environmental Awards for the Ophthalmic Industry, previously announced in February.

The national industry awards were due to be presented in Glasgow in November 2020 to coincide with COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which itself has been postponed to 2021.

Optical Express founder and CEO, David Moulsdale, commented: “Coronavirus has changed the priorities for the whole world and our hope is that we will be able to return to some form of normality In the coming weeks. Our priority at the moment must be on the well-being and safety of our people, patients and the wider public. We therefore have no option but to postpone the Environmental Awards.

“At Optical Express we remain passionate about tackling climate change and reducing plastic waste, and we look forward to being able to announce a new date for the Environmental Awards in the future, but at the moment I cannot say when that will be.

“As clinical providers of eyecare and eye health we are in awe of the epic efforts of extraordinary people in the front line in our NHS and I would like to take this opportunity of recording the gratitude and admiration of every one of our own extended Optical Express family.”