Following published government guidance confirming that all optical practice staff and locums should be included in the priority group for Covid-19 vaccination, the Local Optical Committee Support Unit (LOCSU) is paving the way for practitioners to be included on local lists to receive their vaccination.
Non-NHS practice staff
The first port of call for non-NHS practitioners and staff is to check whether they can be included on a listing with their local optical committee (LOC).
LOCs are working across England to create lists of staff employed in GOS practices. As such, practitioners are advised to make contact with their LOC so that all practice staff may be included on its listing for the vaccination programme. Links to all LOCs in England with a web presence can be found on the LOC Online portal.
However, if none of the above applies, practitioners can complete LOCSU’s Non-NHS Practices Form to add themselves and their staff to a local vaccination list.
Locums are advised to check initially with any practices they work with, if they may be included on a practice staff list being submitted to its LOC (as above).
Locums may also be able to register directly with their clinical commissioning group or primary care network.
However, if none of the above is possible, locums may complete LOCSU’s Locum Form to ensure they are included on a local vaccination list.
Practitioners who have any further questions are advised to email