Post from the president

Kevin Gutsell FBDO (Hons) SLD
ABDO president

With the summer holidays almost completed and children making their way back to school, we can usually look forward to busy days in practice.

However, I’ve always wondered why the number of children specifically having eye examinations at this time of year does not always seem to reflect the rush to purchase new school uniform, shoes and take the obligatory trip for a haircut. Perhaps the messaging to parents of school age children, about ensuring the best eye health and achievable vision, needs to be improved?

I also note that the advice in the ‘Eye tests for children’ section of the NHS website is: ‘If you have any concerns about your child’s vision, see a GP or go to an opticians’. This may explain some of the findings of the General Optical Council’s 2024 Public Perceptions survey, including that only 33 per cent of respondents would attend an opticians/optometrist practice instead of their GP or hospital.

I recently attended the British and Irish Orthoptic Society conference in Manchester and was impressed with the passion and knowledge of delegates and speakers about the many conditions affecting patients’ vision and available treatments. I spoke to many regarding the treatment of patients with various neurological conditions, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis and nystagmus, as well as the increasing number of patients with binocular vision issues. With many great speakers, posters and exhibitors, there could be benefit in attending future conferences and collaborating more closely with orthoptists.

Have you booked your place at the ABDO Clinical Conference on either 6 or 7 October? If it’s anything like last year’s event then you’re in for a fantastic learning experience. ABDO is also running webinars, online peer reviews and Journal Club sessions alongside the practical days taking place at the National Resource Centre.

I would like to thank the teams at ABDO, and congratulate them on successfully gaining General Optical Council approval to enrol students on the new FBDO apprenticeship. Working closely with colleagues at ABDO College, Bradford College and City and Islington College, the roll-out will begin this academic year.

I look forward to meeting members at upcoming regional events and our clinical conference.

If you would like to make contact then please email me at