Retina UK conference in Manchester

Practical advice and networking

Retina UK will be holding its Professionals Conference on Friday 27 September at the Pendulum Hotel in Manchester.

Geared towards professionals supporting people living with inherited sight loss, the conference is free to attend.

Highlights include:

• Working together to deliver the eyecare support pathway: how professionals can enable families to get the information, support and advice they need

• The role of peer-to-peer support in achieving good outcomes: a  panel of lived experience volunteers and service users will explain the positive impact peer-to-peer support has had on their lives

• The importance of quality-of-life research: understanding the impact of inherited sight loss: exploring the outcomes of an in-depth study on the impact of retinitis pigmentosa on patients and family members

• Supporting professionals to deliver equitable, accessible and inclusive services

The conference will also provide practical advice with guest speakers from SeeAbility, BAME Vision and the RNIB.

Find out more and book a place on the Retina UK website.