Stepper renews VCHP support

Peter with (from left): Akhila, Claire and Alison

Stepper Eyewear has pledged to support Vision Care for Homeless People (VCHP) for the fifth year running.

This year’s £11,000 donation will be used towards the running costs of the Birmingham clinic, which runs every Monday at SIFA Fireside, and brings the total amount donated by the company over the past five years to £43,000.

Peter Reeve, Stepper UK managing director, recently visited the clinic – spending the morning with the team, including clinic manager Claire Weir, clinic assistant Akhila Vijayan, optometrist Sunita Chauhan, and Alison Gordon, VCHP community and corporate fundraiser. Hespent time talking to the volunteers and finding out more about the regional clinics. These discussions brought additional donations of frames and sunglasses and suggestions for much needed equipment suppliers.

Peter said: “We are delighted to support the vital work VCHP does. That we can help in providing eyecare for the vulnerable in the Birmingham community aligns with our belief that frames are primarily a medical device and that quality eyecare should be available to all.”

Elaine Styles, VCHP chair, commented: “This donation will make a tangible difference for many people in Birmingham. Our clinic attracts patients from a very broad radius and word has got around that we are in the city and provide a great service. Our qualified volunteer network at all of our clinics is the backbone of our service. We are hugely grateful to those who are able to give up a few hours each month to help in their local area – our work can be truly transforming for some vulnerable lives. Being able to see well can be the much needed first step to removing the barriers and helping to re-build lives.”

Companies interested in supporting VCHP are invited to email