

Customer Complaints

A3.1.1 Wherever possible complaints should be given priority and speedily resolved within the practice. Unwillingness on the part of any registered dispensing optician to deal with a complaint does not reflect well upon either the individual or on the profession as a whole. It is therefore essential that a sound procedure for handling complaints exists and can be explained to patients by all members of staff.

A3.1.2 ABDO fully supports the independent Optical Consumer Complaints Service, (OCCS) which was established to handle complaints that could not be resolved in-house. Any complaint against a member who refuses to accept any finding of OCCS will render himself/herself liable to investigation for conduct un-befitting membership of ABDO, and could result in GOC fitness to practise procedures being instigated. For advice on managing non-tolerance issues, when the sight test and dispense are delivered by different community practices

A3.1.3 OC Guidance on Managing Non-Tolerance Issues 

A3.1.4 It is important that when other organisations are involved – including the GOC, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s)  , Local Health Boards (Wales), Health Authorities, Scottish Executive, OCCS etc., information requested by such an authority is provided as promptly as possible, subject to the guidelines in paragraph 24.


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