

This page provides information and links to the representative body in Scotland and the Scottish Government as well as information on Scotland specific regulations, optical service delivery, practitioner services and updates on national/local activity.  If you can’t find what you are looking for or would like to speak directly with our team please contact Max Halford

ABDO Scotland

Regional Lead: Graeme Stevenson FBDO



24 June 2024

This letter advises on:
• Progress in respect of the rollout of the CGS across Scotland;
• Information for potential applicants for cohort 4 of the NESGAT
• The process for applying to undertake NESGAT training as part
of cohort 4;
• Key dates associated with applications for NESGAT cohort 4;
• The CGS Minimum Data Set, which supports uniformity of data
recording for the CGS;
• Key dates associated with the transition to a digitised solution
for CGS registration and assessment claims.

Read here.

02 May 2024

Dear Member,

Please read the latest letter from the Dentistry and Optometry Division, Directorate of Primary Care, Scottish Government, issued 29 April 2024.

This letter advises on:

  • a change in the domain name of the ‘Eyes’ website, to;
  • the decommissioning of the ‘Community Eye Care’ website and associated apps, and the migration of relevant clinical guidance content to the ‘Eyes’ website;
  • the publication of guidance to support the risk stratification and safe discharge of patients into the Community Glaucoma Service (CGS);
  • a trial enabling some people to apply online for the NHS Low Income Scheme.

Read letter here.

New Vouchers at a Glance for Scotland

There is a new Vouchers at a Glance for Scotland. Download your copy here.


12 October 2023

For your information please find attached circular PCA(O)2023(04) – covering Community Glaucoma Service information – and a letter from the Scottish Government’s Chief Optometric Advisor providing an update on undergraduate optometry degree reforms in Scotland.


Chief Optometric Advisor – Letter regarding undegraduate optometry degree reforms – 230929

Please see below for an update to the Scottish governments COVID-19 testing guidance.



Click here for the latest PCA

Useful Links

Scottish Government

Optometry Scotland

UK Regulation

GOC Standards of practice
Click here
GOC supplementary guidance
Click here
Vouchers at a glance
Click here