Work with ABDO

Reach our membership via sponsorship opportunities to suit every company and every marketing budget.

Dispensing Optics Magazine

The essential monthly publication for the profession, Dispensing Optics delivers the latest news, information and education relevant to ABDO members – as well as those in allied professions. With an average print run of 6,846 copies (Jan-Dec 2023), Dispensing Optics is distributed around the globe – both in print and digitally.

Display advertising costs starts at £420+VAT per insertion for 12 x quarter page insertions, with a range of placement size options available – alongside advertorial opportunities, social media packages and sponsored emails.

See media pack 2024

EMAIL: for more info.

Dispensing Optics Online

Dispensing Optics’ digital platform DO Online provides an additional tool to share news and features with the wider industry and profession. A raft of digital marketing and editorial opportunities are available. DO Online provides your company with a cost-effective way to promote your business, services and products to your target audience.

There are several opportunities for banner advertising from £350+VAT per month with discounts for block bookings.

See media pack 2024

EMAIL: to book.

ABDO eNews

ABDO members receive eNews each week, making this a trusted way to promote your company right to the inbox of circa 8000 dispensing opticians.

Prices start from £450+VAT for your advertisement in one issue.

EMAIL: to book.

Continuing Professional Development

ABDO hosts a range of regional events, distance and online learning and development opportunities.
Sponsorship provides direct engagement with eyecare professionals and the opportunity to showcase products and concepts.

Company biography, logo and media connections can be directly linked in the ABDO online event booking portal.

EMAIL: for further information and details of opportunities.

ABDO Research

Our aim is to build an evidence base for the profession that encompasses the wide scope of practice that our members deliver in the eyecare sector.

Directed by the ABDO Research and Clinical Committee, exciting opportunities exist for funding research relating to the fields of dispensing and contact lenses, and these could range from partnered projects to independent clinical trials from our excellent facility in Birmingham.


ABDO National Resource Centre

The National Resource Centre is an education, events and examinations hub offering facilities over 11,000 sq ft on two floors. Set in the heart of Birmingham this brand new facility is available for internal and external events, from small meetings to conferences, seminars, training, revision and CPD courses. Your company can get involved with the NRC in a number of ways:

  • Become a sponsor
  • Loan equipment to be used at the NRC.
  • Book space for your training sessions and company events

EMAIL: to find out more.

Ophthalmic Lens Availability

A recent initiative, ‘the lens bible’, Ophthalmic Lens Availability is exclusively available online for all ABDO members. OLA will now be searchable, with the chance to see your company’s link and logo on the front page and alongside search results.

Advertisements start from £1500+VAT pa.

EMAIL: to book.

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